Here's a pitcher o' the bird --

Here's another pitcher with the hose nozzle in there so you can see how big it is. I reckon it's bigger'n any goldfinches.

I'm thinkin' it was somebuddy's pet canary that flew the coop. It was hardly afraid o' Ma an' me an' we almost was able t' catch it with our bare hands. In the end, it flew off.
Anybuddy think it was sumpin' other'n a pet canary? Mebbe it was sum rare wild bird got steered off course with all o' this here hot weather we got.
Yores trooly,
I would agree that it was a canary that got loose.
The little cheeper is a Yellow Canary that has been fed a special diet of Red-Factor feed. This will change the white highlights of the feathering to orange or red. From the looks of him, he has run for some time now since the color is fading. If the little bugger sings he would be of the "American Singer" sub-specicies else he is known as a "Roller" You might be able to trap the little guy if you put out some canary food for him.
Whooee! Thankee fer chimin' in, fellers. I ain't seen'm since 'bout 1 this afternoon. If Ma sees'm tomorrow, mebbe we'll try t' trap'm. I still got my live trap fer trappin' squirells an' I figger this little feller might go in there on accounta he acted so tame.
Thanks fer the info on the feed, Zorf. That sez fer sure he's been a sumbuddy's pet tweetie-bird.
I was going to say that its a yellow bird... shows what I know.
Canaries are cute, but there's not much meat on them.
I'd suggest a chicken or a turkey.
A yellow bird? That is funny.
good luck in finding him a home.
Whooee! Well, a coupla the naybers seen the yellerfeller on Sunday but nobuddy's seen'm since. We had a coupla good rains an' there's plenty o' cats roamin' the nayberhood. I reckon the little feller'll be lucky t' survive very long. Too bad I din't catch'm when I was up close.
Whooee! Thankee fer chimin' in, Ms. Pacman. I sure hope nobuddy let loose a bunch o' them there canaries. I reckon they don't stand much chance here in Canadee. It's gonna get too cold fer the little fellers an' the one I seen was so tame that any cat worth its salt'd snatch it up in a New York minute.
i have a pet bird exactly the same as that bird its a house pet bird it probably made its way out of the cage and into the wild lol
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that is a canary bird i have two with me now :D they dont bite and they perfer to be left alone , if held then they would be very scared and have a heart attack and die :(
from ahmed .m
I wiki'd up canary and it showed a fat ugly looking bird with many colours. I don't think this is a canary. I just bought one and I'm wondering what type this is.
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