Friday, April 21, 2006

Dumbass OPP Tryin' fer Another Ipperwash

Whooee! Well friends an' foes, I seen sum dumbass moves in my day. Shee-it! I even made a coupla dumbass moves myself. I'm damned if I can think of any dumbass move more dumbass than what the idjit OPP done yesterday. Let's git one thing straight. These here Six Nations fellers an' gals ain't terrists an' they weren't violent or threatenin' violence when the dumbass OPP decided t' declare war an' come stormin' in before sun-up with all sortsa weapons drawn.

The OPP numbnutses took what was a smalltime troublem an' turned inta a bigtime schmozzle, no two ways. I reckon we'll be forced t' go through all o' the selfsame bullshit we been goin' through when the OPP killed little Dudley George back in '95. That crapplola's still hittin' the fan, fer Chrissakes.

Before yesterday, these Native fellers an' gals was havin' themselves a peaceful blockade. I live purty closeby t' Caledonia an' I been keepin' an' eye on this thing since back at the end o' Febuary when the Six Nations folks sed enuff's enuff an' stopped sum bigass house developer from buildin' houses on land that got given t' the Natives way back in 1784.

Here's the dumbest part. The Confederacy was doin' sum passin' o' the peacepipe with sum gummint folks. The land they're fightin' over is a hunnert an' sum acres. The gummint was offerin' t' trade 6500 acres sumwheres else fer the hunnert an' sum at Douglas Creek. Talks was happenin'. Then the the OPP come ridin' in an' now all talks is off.

Not only that, the protesters was all peaceful before they got attacked in the middle o' the night. Now, they're burnin' down things like bridges an' they're tossin' trucks offa overpasses an' who knows what else. I'm pointin' the finger o' blame right at the dumbass OPP. Sumbuddy oughta get their dumbass fired. Police is supposed t' keep the peace. They ain't supposed t' turn non-violence inta viloence. That's the OPPosite o' what the OPP shoulda done an' whoever ordered that raid should be poundin' the pavement lookin' fer a job as a WalMarket security guard.

Back in '95 when ol' Dudley George got shot dead by the OPP, everybuddy was all confused over who was givin' the orders an' jest lately we hadta go through a bigass inquiry where everybuddy sed they wasn't responsible. I say let's start the Douglas Creek inquiry right now. Today. Ipperwash gave 'em the blueprint. It's fresh in everybuddy's mind right now. The OPP's gotta answer fer turnin' non-violence inta violence. The OPP's gotta answer fer causin' negotiations t' break down.

Nobuddy's got killed in Caledonia, yet. That's jest good luck more'n good management, sez I. Drag the OPP boss inta court. Today. Make'm tell where the orders come from. Today. If they don't get called on the carpet today, sure-as-shit sumbuddy's gonna get killed an' we'll be moanin' 'bout it fer years t' come an' the crookedass lawyers'll come out on top an' the sorryass Natives'll be scratchin' their heads wond'rin' what happened t' their land.

How 'bout Ipperwash? Did the Stony Pointers get their land back? Canajuns oughta all be hangin' our sorryass heads in shame fer the way we walked all over the First Nations who was here first. We got us a national disgrace an' we jest won't admit it. Back in the 60's when anti-Vietnam war protesters was bein' brutalized by the cops an' the TV cameras was turned on, the protesters chanted t' remind everybuddy that "the whole world is watching."

The whole world's watchin' Caledonia. The whole world's gettin' another eyeful o' how Canadee treats its First Nations aboriginal folks. If yer a Ontariariario taxpayer like ol' JimBobby, yer tax money's gettin' spent wagin' war on peaceful Natives. Yer tax money's bein' spent on a fat salary fer sum OPP boss who don't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Yer gummint's been robbin' land from the Natives fer a few hunnert years an' if yer a believer in democracy, then yer responsible fer what yer gummint does. The people - that's you an' me - are boss over the OPP an' not the other way 'round. We gotta hold these warmakers responsible an' we gotta fire their stoopid asses before sumbuddy gets shot.

Yores trooly,


Anonymous said...

Shee-it Jimbobby, I gotta bone to pick with ya.

Ya showed up at Canada Blogs, left yer two cents worth and then just high tailed it right off.

Ya ought ta have stuck around and done some more jaw'in. But ya took right off lickety split.

Now ain't that rude. Ya gott'er stick around sum more when ya start yer jaw'in.

Now gitt'in back ta yer post. I'm sure as sheet all agrieved at the OPP dumb-asses at that there Caledone thing. And I will put my two cents in worth here just as soon as ya haul yer ass back over to Canada Blogs and do sum more jaw'in.

Glenn Bobby (a.k.a Glenn Fitzgerald).

JimBobby said...

Whooee! Thankee fer droppin' by, GlennFeller. Sorry 'bout bein' so slow comin' back atcha. I been busy doin' sum nail-poundin' an' sum other real work an' my boog's been takin' a backseat.

Over in Caledonia, I hear tell things is coolin' off an' today they got Highway 6 opened up. I was in Caledonia helpin' the little Polish upholstery gal pick up a broken down chesterfield last week. We skirted 'round town an' come in from the east so's we wouldn't hafta see the blockade an' hang our sorry heads in shame fer the way our gummint's treated the firstest nation fellers an' gals.

Mebbe if ol' Elvis gets sum new boog stories up over t' his Egroup, I'll drop by an' spout off a little. There ain't been much action over there lately an' I been checkin' in over t' Stageleft mostly.